Fichi ad essiccare


In the par­adise of ancient fruits: pre­serve, trans­form, taste. Dis­cov­er, in detail, the two expe­ri­ences offered by the Pomona Gar­dens and book yours.

Let’s learn how to make “fichi mar­i­tati” in the heav­en of ancient fruits

Col­lec­tion, prepa­ra­tion for dry­ing and use of dried figs —

min 6 pax
Cost: from 6 to 9 peo­ple €60 peo­ple; from 10 peo­ple €50 peo­ple
Chil­dren: up to 6 years free; up to 12 years €20 pax
Inter­pret­ing: €35 / h

4 hours, from 9:00 to 13:00. Every day except Thurs­day. A unique occa­sion to be at the botan­i­cal con­ser­va­to­ry “ I gia­r­di­ni di Pomona” to learn togeth­er ancient tech­niques of prepar­ing the typ­i­cal “ fico mar­i­ta­to”: dried Figs filled with almonds and lemon zest. The day will begin with a walk among the Figs, tast­ing all sorts of dif­fer­ent vari­eties and har­vest­ing straight from the trees the best ones for dry­ing pur­pos­es. Under the shade of the pine trees we will than learn how to cut and open Figs and arrange them on “sci­aie”, the tra­di­tion­al trays for dry­ing. Final­ly, we will fill dried Figs with roast­ed almonds and lemon zest.

Prod­uctsFichi mar­i­tati
Sep­tem­berThe peri­od in which the cook­ing class takes place runs from 1 to 30 Sep­tem­ber.
Spo­ken lan­guagesThe expe­ri­ence is suit­able for an inter­na­tion­al audi­ence. Spo­ken lan­guages are: French, Eng­lish.
Reser­va­tionsReser­va­tions must be made 30 days in advance.

The art of pre­serv­ing fruit

Har­vest­ing, tast­ing and fruit preser­va­tion tech­niques — min 6 pax
Cost: from 6 to 9 peo­ple €60 peo­ple; from 10 peo­ple €50 peo­ple
Chil­dren: up to 6 years free; up to 12 years €20 pax
Inter­pret­ing: €35 / h.

4 hours, from 9:00 to 13:00. Every day except Thurs­day. The day will begin with a walk in the gar­dens in search of ripe sea­son­al fruits that we can col­lect and taste guid­ed by one of the conservatory’s expert col­lab­o­ra­tors. Depend­ing on the type of fruit, its degree of ripeness and the abun­dance of the har­vest, we will choose the type of trans­for­ma­tion to be car­ried out.

Prod­uctsJams, jel­lies, juices and fruit leather.
July – Sep­tem­berThe peri­od in which the cook­ing class takes place runs from 01 of July to 30 of Sep­tem­ber
Lingue par­lateThe expe­ri­ence is suit­able for an inter­na­tion­al audi­ence. Spo­ken lan­guages are: French, Eng­lish.
Reser­va­tionsReser­va­tions must be made 30 days in advance.

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Seleziona la tua Expe­ri­ence*
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Tut­ti i giorni del­la set­ti­mana tranne il giovedì.
Nome e cog­nome*
Aggiun­gi qualunque infor­mazione utile.

Uti­liz­zan­do questo mod­u­lo accet­to i ter­mi­ni del­l’Infor­ma­ti­va a tutela del­la pri­va­cy del Con­ser­va­to­rio botan­i­co I gia­r­di­ni di Pomona.

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