Trulli ai Giardini di Pomona


Enjoy a stay in the bio­di­ver­si­ty heav­en of Valle d’Itria. Panaché, Vernèa, Dot­ta­to, the Hos­tel: dis­cov­er the hous­es of the Pomona Gar­dens.

  • Dot­ta­to


    Sweet, abun­dant, supreme­ly con­ser­v­a­tive fruit. Dot­ta­to, the apart­ment, ensures a sweet stay, full of com­fort and, final­ly, mem­o­rable.

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  • Ostel­lo


    The hos­tel at “I Gia­r­di­ni di Pomona” offers cyclists and back­pack­ers as well as larg­er research and work groups the pos­si­bil­i­ty to ful­ly dive into the life of the Botan­i­cal Con­ser­va­tion Cen­tre at a low cost.

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  • Panachè


    Stay­ing at Pomona and chos­ing Panachè, the apart­ment named after a fig of eccen­tric and rare beau­ty.

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  • Vernèa


    Vernèa is a late and sweet fig, an invi­ta­tion to take things easy… and good moments will come along!

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Uti­liz­zan­do questo mod­u­lo accet­to i ter­mi­ni del­l’Infor­ma­ti­va a tutela del­la pri­va­cy del Con­ser­va­to­rio botan­i­co I gia­r­di­ni di Pomona.

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