
A mem­o­rable jour­ney into bio­di­ver­si­ty

The Gar­dens cov­er ten hectares in a rur­al land­scape of rare beau­ty. Thou­sand dif­fer­ent fruit vari­eties com­pose an his­tor­i­cal botan­i­cal itin­er­ary regard­ing tra­di­tion­al and rare plants. The largest col­lec­tion of the gar­dens is ded­i­cat­ed to the species Ficus car­i­ca (fig), which includes 600 vari­eties, mak­ing it one of the most impor­tant fig col­lec­tions in the Mediter­ranean area

Open­ing days

Every day of the week except Thurs­days.

Open­ing hours

9:00–13:00 // 16:00 – until sun­set


Free vis­it with­out guide
Entrance: €8; chil­dren up to 6 years free, up to 12 years €4
*upon arrival guests will receive a map, a brief intro­duc­tion to the objec­tives of “The Gar­dens of Pomona” and direc­tions on the route to fol­low

Vis­it with guide (min 5 pax)
Entrance: €12; chil­dren up to 6 years free, up to 12 years €6

(in for­eign lan­guage, 2h inter­preter €35 €/h)

Fruit pick­ing sup­ple­ment (tast­ing dur­ing the vis­it — to be added to the entry cost)
€6 pax; child €3 pax
*you can taste the fruits by pick­ing them direct­ly from the trees

Aper­i­tif — Light Lunch sup­ple­ment min­i­mum 15 pax with exter­nal cater­ing from €15 to €42 pax depend­ing on the menu request­ed
chil­dren 7 > 12 years 50% reduc­tion

Exclu­sive gar­den
€300 (exclud­ing inter­pret­ing €35 / h), from 9.00 to 13.00 or 16.30 at sun­set

€500 for full day (exclud­ing inter­pret­ing €35/h)
*it is under­stood that the loca­tion will be reserved exclu­sive­ly for guests, who will be guid­ed to dis­cov­er the gar­dens, weath­er con­di­tions per­mit­ting.


From 90′ up to 120′

Impor­tant infor­ma­tion

For guid­ed tours groups of at least 5 peo­ple are request­ed. If the min­i­mum num­ber is not reached, we will try to join oth­er groups (not orga­nized groups) by propos­ing any alter­na­tive dates to your request.

For guid­ed tours in a for­eign lan­guage the vis­it must be booked at least 3 days in advance.

*” indi­cates required fields

Nome e cog­nome*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Sono pre­viste delle tar­iffe spe­ciali per grup­pi e scuole di ogni ordine e gra­do. Indi­ca nel mes­sag­gio tut­ti i det­tagli e le carat­ter­is­tiche del grup­po.
Scegli la tipolo­gia di visi­ta*

Uti­liz­zan­do questo mod­u­lo accet­to i ter­mi­ni del­l’Infor­ma­ti­va a tutela del­la pri­va­cy del Con­ser­va­to­rio botan­i­co I gia­r­di­ni di Pomona.

This field is for val­i­da­tion pur­pos­es and should be left unchanged.