A dona­ti­on to save Ost­arìa

Start­ing from Febru­ary 2024, with deli­very in June 2024, when the seed­lings are roo­ted and lea­fing, you will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to book Ost­aria start­ing from €50. A deci­dedly high cost for a fig plant, howe­ver exclu­si­ve, but jus­ti­fied and acces­si­ble for a dona­ti­on aimed at the con­ser­va­ti­on of bio­di­ver­si­ty.

Whoe­ver buys the plant will in turn be able, if he is capa­ble of repro­du­cing it, to resell it at the pri­ce he deems most appro­pria­te, in order to reco­ver the initi­al cost, or to dona­te it, beco­ming, in one case or the other, in turn an actor of a vir­tuous sys­tem of bio­di­ver­si­ty con­ser­va­ti­on. A con­cre­te ges­tu­re that allows you to actively par­ti­ci­pa­te in the pro­ject and allows us to reco­ver other varie­ties at risk of extinc­tion, remem­be­ring that bio­di­ver­si­ty is not saved with con­fe­ren­ces, but when plants sink their roots into the mother and nou­ris­hing earth.

How to make a dona­ti­on:

  • via Pay­Pal;
  • via Bank trans­fer.

For every sup­port­er the sto­ry, writ­ten by Pao­lo Bel­lo­ni, of this extra­or­di­na­ry dis­co­very of Ost­arìa in the land of Puglia.


To make your dona­ti­on via Pay­Pal, click on the but­ton. You will be redi­rec­ted to a Pay­Pal page to make the dona­ti­on. Once recei­ved, we will wri­te to you to find out or con­firm the Ost­arìa ship­ping address.

Via Boni­fi­co ban­ca­rio

To make your dona­ti­on via bank trans­fer, choo­se the amount* and use the­se details:

  • Bene­fi­ci­a­ry: Azi­en­da agri­co­la dimostra­ti­va “I giar­di­ni di Pomo­na “di Pao­lo Bel­lo­ni;
  • IBAN: IT78X0306978934100000679003
  • CAUSAL: Ost­arìa First and Last Name

*You choo­se, asking you to dona­te an amount of or grea­ter than €50. We ask you to send the bank trans­fer receipt via email to info@igiardinidipomona.it with the address to send to Ost­arìa.

Useful infor­ma­ti­on for sup­port­ers

Start­ing from June you will recei­ve Ost­arìa in a 12x12 vase. You can keep the plant in the same pot until Novem­ber or trans­fer it into a slight­ly lar­ger 3‑litre pot at the end of July. If you want to plant it in open ground you should wait for the lea­ves to fall in Novem­ber. The plants con­ti­nue to deve­lop roots and adapt bet­ter to the soil during the win­ter. So it won’t be neces­sa­ry to take care of it until spring ’25. If you deci­de to keep the plant in a pot, it is advi­sa­ble to chan­ge the pot every year, for the first few years, pro­gres­si­ve­ly incre­asing the dia­me­ter and adding the miss­ing soil. Always water until water flows out of the holes at the base imme­dia­te­ly after trans­plan­ting.

Tips for plan­ting in full ground

The fig is a Medi­ter­ra­ne­an plant. Choo­se to place it in full sun, in a place wit­hout water sta­gna­ti­on and at a reasonable distance from the house and any tanks as its powerful roots can, by stret­ching, cau­se trou­ble. Don’t worry about the soil, the fig is an easy plant that adapts to any type of soil (it loves con­cre­te ruins), it is a thrif­ty and gene­rous tree. It allows all pru­ning errors wit­hout suf­fe­ring too much. The essen­ti­al thing is to water it for the first three years from April to Octo­ber so that it can extend its roots well and beco­me per­fect­ly auto­no­mous. But don’t be afraid: even in this case it will signal you when it wants water by lowe­ring its lea­ves.

When wate­ring a plant you must always water it abun­dant­ly and then let it dry until it asks for water again. The plants die more often from root rot than from drought and if they are too spoi­led they lose rusti­ci­ty cha­rac­te­ristics. Howe­ver, good fer­ti­liza­ti­on, pre­fer­a­b­ly with matu­re manu­re, will undoub­ted­ly be app­re­cia­ted.

The fig does not fear the cold too much, it easi­ly resists ‑10° and not even wind or bra­cki­sh water. If you only worry about giving him some­thing to drink when he is thirsty he will give you magni­fi­cent satis­fac­tion and, given that he can reach a hundred years of age, many fruits for you and future gene­ra­ti­ons. Then, as Car­mi­ne Aba­te wri­tes, it is “the tree of for­tu­ne”.

Last­ly, anyo­ne who books a plant will recei­ve two new texts:

  • Per­ché il fico (Why, the Fig?)