A dona­tion to save Ostarìa

Start­ing from Feb­ru­ary 2024, with deliv­ery in June 2024, when the seedlings are root­ed and leaf­ing, you will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to book Ostarìa start­ing from €50. A decid­ed­ly high cost for a fig plant, how­ev­er exclu­sive, but jus­ti­fied and acces­si­ble for a dona­tion aimed at the con­ser­va­tion of bio­di­ver­si­ty.

Who­ev­er buys the plant will in turn be able, if he is capa­ble of repro­duc­ing it, to resell it at the price he deems most appro­pri­ate, in order to recov­er the ini­tial cost, or to donate it, becom­ing, in one case or the oth­er, in turn an actor of a vir­tu­ous sys­tem of bio­di­ver­si­ty con­ser­va­tion. A con­crete ges­ture that allows you to active­ly par­tic­i­pate in the project and allows us to recov­er oth­er vari­eties at risk of extinc­tion, remem­ber­ing that bio­di­ver­si­ty is not saved with con­fer­ences, but when plants sink their roots into the moth­er and nour­ish­ing earth.

How to make a dona­tion:

  • via Pay­Pal;
  • via Bank trans­fer.

For every sup­port­er the sto­ry, writ­ten by Pao­lo Bel­loni, of this extra­or­di­nary dis­cov­ery of Ostarìa in the land of Puglia.


To make your dona­tion via Pay­Pal, click on the but­ton. You will be redi­rect­ed to a Pay­Pal page to make the dona­tion. Once received, we will write to you to find out or con­firm the Ostarìa ship­ping address.

Via Bonifi­co ban­car­io

To make your dona­tion via bank trans­fer, choose the amount* and use these details:

  • Ben­e­fi­cia­ry: Azien­da agri­co­la dimostra­ti­va “I gia­r­di­ni di Pomona “di Pao­lo Bel­loni;
  • IBAN: IT78X0306978934100000679003
  • CAUSAL: Ostaria First and Last Name

*You choose, ask­ing you to donate an amount of or greater than €50. We ask you to send the bank trans­fer receipt via email to info@igiardinidipomona.it with the address to send to Ostarìa.

Use­ful infor­ma­tion for sup­port­ers

Start­ing from June you will receive Ostarìa in a 12x12 vase. You can keep the plant in the same pot until Novem­ber or trans­fer it into a slight­ly larg­er 3‑litre pot at the end of July. If you want to plant it in open ground you should wait for the leaves to fall in Novem­ber. The plants con­tin­ue to devel­op roots and adapt bet­ter to the soil dur­ing the win­ter. So it won’t be nec­es­sary to take care of it until spring ’25. If you decide to keep the plant in a pot, it is advis­able to change the pot every year, for the first few years, pro­gres­sive­ly increas­ing the diam­e­ter and adding the miss­ing soil. Always water until water flows out of the holes at the base imme­di­ate­ly after trans­plant­i­ng.

Tips for plant­i­ng in full ground

The fig is a Mediter­ranean plant. Choose to place it in full sun, in a place with­out water stag­na­tion and at a rea­son­able dis­tance from the house and any tanks as its pow­er­ful roots can, by stretch­ing, cause trou­ble. Don’t wor­ry about the soil, the fig is an easy plant that adapts to any type of soil (it loves con­crete ruins), it is a thrifty and gen­er­ous tree. It allows all prun­ing errors with­out suf­fer­ing too much. The essen­tial thing is to water it for the first three years from April to Octo­ber so that it can extend its roots well and become per­fect­ly autonomous. But don’t be afraid: even in this case it will sig­nal you when it wants water by low­er­ing its leaves.

When water­ing a plant you must always water it abun­dant­ly and then let it dry until it asks for water again. The plants die more often from root rot than from drought and if they are too spoiled they lose rus­tic­i­ty char­ac­ter­is­tics. How­ev­er, good fer­til­iza­tion, prefer­ably with mature manure, will undoubt­ed­ly be appre­ci­at­ed.

The fig does not fear the cold too much, it eas­i­ly resists ‑10° and not even wind or brack­ish water. If you only wor­ry about giv­ing him some­thing to drink when he is thirsty he will give you mag­nif­i­cent sat­is­fac­tion and, giv­en that he can reach a hun­dred years of age, many fruits for you and future gen­er­a­tions. Then, as Carmine Abate writes, it is “the tree of for­tune”.

Last­ly, any­one who books a plant will receive two new texts:

  • Per­ché il fico (Why, the Fig?)